About Me

Hey there! I'm a twenty-three year old Jesus follower, and this blog is to record all of the goings-on in my life within the next months. I recently broke both of my legs, and feel God leading me to tell my story - a story of redemption and grace, of hope and pain, of excitment and fear. May you be deeply blessed as you read. Shalom!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Reason number 203 that Catie is looking forward to walking normally again (even though she has 406 things to be thankful for right now):

Being able to talk on her cell phone.

When I was running up and down the stairs, many moons ago, I was running up and down the stairs quite frequently.  I forget things, you see.  A lot of things.  I mean, just walking out the door in the morning usually meant at least three separate trips back up to my room.  No lie.  Ask the poor woman who slept right below the staircase for 8 months.  So, nowadays, it's tricky business.  I mean, you're talkin' to the kid that's only been going on "the big girl potty" for about two weeks.  It seriously takes a ton of time to climb up that stupid flight, and a lot of energy because I'm still scooting up on my butt.

So I head upstairs between 9 & 11, depending on whether or not I'm going to read.  And what's on T.V.  T.V. is usually the influencing factor.  On a normal night, I would make all of my calls after 9...that's when it's free.  (If you don't know this already, I'm kind of a cheapwad.  Obsession of 2010: coupons.) Well, the last few nights I have been forgetting to grab it when I go upstairs.  Going upstairs is a big deal, so I can't just dash back down to get it.  Every night I have realized my forgetfulness once I've gotten alllllllllllll the way to the top of the stairs.

All I have to say is, "Whoops!"  Guess we'll talk tomorrow.  : )
I'm just thankful that my friends exemplify grace so well.

This blog post is dedicated to Alaina Christine.