Today was bath day.
Ugh. I dislike bath day.
And yet I love it at the same time.
Do you see how many stairs I have climb?
On my butt?!
And I'm shooing dogs off of me the whole way up.
Man. I'm pooped.
As such, I've decided that tonight's entry will be a picture story. Plus, my internet connection is only quasi-connecting, so I'm gonna have to wrap this story up real soon. Maybe it has something to do with the "Snowmaggedden" that's about to hit my city. What a stupid name for a snow storm. Really? Really? It's like people have never seen snow before! Geez. Anyway. Below is a before and after of my legs. I think it's kind of weird that I'm posting a picture of my legs on the internet, hairy ones at that. On a website open to the public. But, apparently, people want some proof. I'll give you proof.
Man legs.
Not man legs.
See? Told you it was real. When I first looked at them I felt like singing "My Chains are Gone" by Chris Tomlin... "My hairs are goooooone, I've been set free, my new pink razor rescued meeee." Not to mock a really great song. I'll show you the real lyrics. They mean exponentially more to me. The song is "Amazing Grace", but with a chorus, and the chorus goes like this:
"My chains are gone, I've been set free.
My God, my Savior has ransomed me!
And like a flood, his mercy reigns.
Unending love, amazing grace."
It's pretty funny because something as stupid as shaving continues to remind me of new beginnings, and the amazing grace that my God has given me. I'm so thankful that he has set me free from the chains that the world put on me, and the chains I put on myself.
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.