I think that the progression was kind of funny because my physical therapist looked at me, and was like, "Are you nervous?" Yup. The worst part was when I had to tell her I was 5'9'' and a half. "Oh wow. You're really tall." Click click click to the top of the bar...
Anyway. I'm past my tall insecurities. I've resigned myself to the fact that, if I ever do get married, my husband will probably be shorter than me. Breakin' and bendin' rules. It's what I do. Except not really. I'm kind of a chicken at heart. It took me a long time to even be able to wear high heels. Like, little stubby ones.
Anyway. Again. My knee was what was super-wobbly today, not my feet. It caught me by surprise. I've been doing the exercises that my occupational & physical therapists in the hospital told me to do, but my muscles are all still super-sleepy. I say, "TIME TO WAKE UP!!!"
Man, I'm so excited to stand again, and walk with crutches. I took a three-inch step today, and I think that it is progress. A slow progression is ahead of me, but it's coming along. I crawled up the stairs tonight into my sister's room, and we laid on the floor for a little while. I love birds so much, and she has to memorize all these different birds for Science Olympiad, so I got to read some of her super-cool books. It's things like that that I find myself missing. My parents do an amazing job keeping me included in what they do...I am not missing out on much. I just miss the little things; I look forward to the little things.
In the Old Testament, there was a teacher of the law named Ezra. Teachers of the law were held to such high standards according to the Law of Moses, and the Lord was with Ezra because of his obedience (and God's grace). You can see more of this story in chapters 6 & 7. Ezra devoted himself to not only studying God's Word, but observing it, practicing it, and teaching it. In the 9th chapter (v. 8) of the book (which I need to study more), Ezra says this:
“But now, for a brief moment, the Lord our God has been gracious in leaving us a remnant and giving us a firm place in his sanctuary, and so our God gives light to our eyes and a little relief in our bondage."
So much light has been given to my eyes, can I just say? And to be in God's sanctuary!? What a glorious place to be! It's my favorite place in the world.
In the footnotes, another word for "place" is "foothold". When you rock climb, one of the things that you want to do is look at where you are going to place your hands and feet. When you are actually climbing, the places where you put your hands and feet are called handholds and footholds. It's what enables you to scale the wall.
How appropriate that we are given a firm foothold in the Lord's sanctuary.
Thank you, Abba for your light! For your grace! And for the way that you so wonderfully provide strong places for us to stand, grow, rest; be. Your remnants are far better than anything this world can ever offer.
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